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Boxer Library

LibrarySearch Tutorial

This is an informative guide on the different features and resources available in LibrarySearch.

How to Limit by Publication Date

You might want your results to have only been published within a particular date range, such as the last five years.

How to limit by date in LibrarySearch:

  1. Go to the Boxer Library homepage:
  2. Find the LibrarySearch search box at the top of the page.
  3. Enter your terms in the search box, and click Search.
  4. Enter your HelixNet username and password when prompted. 
  5. Look to the left side of the screen for a section called Limit To.
  6. Change the dates to the desired dates in your range (ex: 2010-2015)
  7. Hit enter and your results should be limited to your desired date range.

Watch the video below to see a demonstration of how to limit by publication date: