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Book Chapters
- Beyer C. (2021). Searching for the evidence. In P. Kelly Vana & J. Tazbir (Eds.), Kelly Vana’s Nursing Leadership & Management. 4th edition. Wiley-Blackwell. 280-302.
- Beyer C. Making a Continuous Impact: Library Participation in the Continuous Quality Improvement Process. In D. Schmick (Ed.), Accreditation in the Health Sciences: a Definitive Guide for Libraries. Rowman and Littlefield. (In Press)
- Beyer C. Manage (and take care of) yourself. In A. Nunez & J. Crum (Eds.) Essential Leadership Skills: A Handbook for Health Sciences Information Professionals. Rowman and Littlefield.
- Beyer C., McEneely K, Slaughter C, & Eidbo C. (2022). Developing and sustaining a virtual reference service with a small library team. In A. Scull (Ed.), Virtual Services in the Health Sciences Library. Rowman and Littlefield.
- Schwertfeger J, Beyer C, Hung P, Swaminathan B, Madhavan S. Transcranial direct current for balance and attention after traumatic brain injury and in older adults: A scoping review protocol. (unpublished. currently under review as of 20 Oct 2022).
- Beyer C. Envision the Future of Health Sciences Libraries. MLAConnect. Nov 4, 2021.
- Laera E, Gutzman K, Spencer A, Beyer C, Bolore S, Gallagher J, Pidgeon S, & Rodriguez R. (2021). Why are they not accessing it? User barriers to clinical information access. Journal of the Medical Library Association. 109(1): 126-132.
- Loster, S. The Effectiveness of Library Space on Student Learning and Success: Perceptions and Realities. Medical Library Association Annual Meeting. Portland, Oregon. May 20, 2024.
- Beyer C. Connecting with Your Team by Designing Meetings to Be Inclusive for Those with Disabilities. Medical Library Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana. May 5, 2022.
- Eidbo, CL. Using an Unindexed Journal Donation to Inspire the Creation of Archival Displays. 2022 HSLI Annual Conference. Virtual Conference; September 7, 2022; Online.
- Eidbo, CL. A Chicago-Based Podiatry Journal's Viewpoint of World War Two. CAMA Symposium 2022. Virtual Conference; October 6, 2022; Online.
- Loster, S. Literature Searches and EndNote: Stripping the Thorns Out of a Budding Workflow. Midwest Chapter/MLA Annual Conference, Bloomington, Indiana. October 24, 2022.
- Slaughter C. Reconnecting with Students Navigating Library Outreach in the Midst of COVID Burnout. Medical Library Association Annual Meeting. Virtual Conference. May 2022.
Slaughter C, Beyer C, McEneely, & Eidbo C. Reconnecting with Students: Navigating Library Outreach in the Midst of COVID Burnout. Medical Library Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana. April 29, 2022.
- Slaughter C., Bickett S, Kepsel A., Pepper C, Pierce J., Reed R., Steidinger. S, Tuttle B. What's Next? Creating an Open Repository for Health Information Professionals. Virtual Conference. May 2022.
- Beyer C & McEneely K. Using Gamification to Teach Critical Appraisal Skills. Medical Library Association Annual Meeting. Virtual Conference 2021.
- Laera E, Gutzman, Spencer A, Beyer C, & Song J. Pain Points and Barriers to Clinical Information Access: Results from MLA InSight Initiative Summits 4 and 5. Medical Library Association Annual Meeting. Virtual Conference 2021.
- Slaughter C & Beyer C. Reaching Everyone: Accessibility in Library Email Marketing.” Medical Library Association Annual Meeting. Virtual Conference. May 2021.
- Slaughter C, Beyer C, McEneely K, & Eidbo C. Reaching Everyone: Accessibility in Library Email Marketing. Medical Library Association Annual Meeting. Virtual Conference 2021.
- Beyer C., McEneely K., Eidbo C., & Peterson O. All Working Together: Incorporating Library Staff in Instructional/Marketing Services. Medical Library Association Annual Meeting. Virtual Conference. May - June 2020.
- Eidbo CL. Digitizing a Collection of Podiatric Stereoscopic Images for an Online Digital Repository. Poster presented at: Midwest Midcontinental MLA 2020 Virtual Conference; October 13, 2020; Online.
- McEneely K. & Beyer C. Developing Professional Development Series for Library Assistants. Midwest Chapter of the Medical Library Association Annual Meeting. Virtual Conference. October 15, 2020.
- Slaughter C & Beyer C. Reaching Everyone: Accessibility in Library Email Marketing.” Midwest Chapter of the Medical Library Association Annual Meeting. Virtual Conference. October 15, 2020.
Slaughter C, Phair M, Hinchliffe L. Illinois Information Literacy Summit, April 2020 - Canceled due to COVID-19. Breakout Session - “Transferable Skills: An Evaluation the Information Literacy Needs of Transfer Students”
Systematic and Scoping Reviews
- Schwertfeger J, Thuente L, Hung, P, Larson S, Beyer C. Post-discharge interventions to enhance coping skills for survivors of stroke and their caregivers. (JBI scoping review and working on creating searches)
Other Publications
- Boxer Library, Eidbo, CL. (2022). Boxer Library Collection Development Policy. North Chicago, IL: Author.
- Boxer Library, Eidbo, CL, Lasky, C. (2021). Boxer Library Inter-Library Loan Policy. North Chicago, IL: Author.
- Boxer Library, Eidbo, CL. (2022). Boxer Library Circulation Desk Best Practices (rev. 2022). North Chicago, IL: Author.