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Boxer Library

PAPB 501: Understanding and Implementing Clinical Research Library Guide

This is the course guide that accompanies the Your Path to Discovering resources literature searching lecture of PAPB 501: Understanding and Implementing Clinical Research.


There are two places to access PubMed on the main page of the Boxer Library website. One is in the LibrarySearch box:


And the other is in the "Popular Resources" sidebar on the right side of the page (note that the list is in alphabetical order):


Once you identify the key concepts for your search, enter those terms in the search box and click Search:


It is not necessary to use special tags or syntax. PubMed uses multiple tools to help you find relevant results, including an AI-powered "Best Match" that places relevant results at the top of your search. The new PubMed also has an autocomplete feature that will suggest terms while you type, as well as a spell check feature. PubMed can sense if you are searching for a citation by detecting if your search term is an author's name, a journal title, or an article title.

Finding Full Text

Previously, the "Find it @ RFUMS" icon only appeared on PubMed records that the library had full text access to. The new PubMed displays this icon on all records. If the library does not have access, clicking on the icon will route you to our interlibrary loan request form. 

Be sure to enter PubMed using the link on the library's landing page in order to see this icon. If you have a pop-up blocker enabled in your web browser, the article will not be able to load.

Now, when you view an article abstract in PubMed, you will always see the RFUMS icon.


Click on the icon; you will be routed to the library catalog. If we have access, you will see the "Find it @ RFUMS" icon or an embedded file type in the article abstract:

undefined or undefined

If we do not have access, you will see a link to the interlibrary loan request form:


Click to open the ILL form. The article information will automatically populate the request form.