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Boxer Library

Evaluating Online Information

Where is the information located?

Here are just some of the article types in PubMed:

There is a great amount of information availabe in different formats online. Just because it is online does not mean it is a journal article, and different articles have different purposes. 

Here are just some of the article types in PubMed:

  • Clinical Trial 
  • Editorial
  • Commentary
  • Case Reports
  • Practice Guideline
  • Letter
  • Journal Article
  • Randomized Controlled Trial
  • Newspaper Article
  • Systematic Review

When you are in a detailed record in PubMed look under Publication Types to determine the type of article it is:

To the untrained eye this may look like a research article, but this is only a two page editorial. 

When you are in a detailed record in CINAHL look for publication type to determine the type of article: