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Academic Writing Guide

What is the purpose of the conclusion?

What is the purpose of the conclusion?

The purpose of the conclusion section is to communicate to the reader why your paper matters, and why it should be remembered after they review it. This section is your chance to tie your study not only to the general field of study, but the world as a whole. The conclusion should not simply summarize the paper, but move research forward by connecting it to future areas of possible research. It should have specific takeaways the reader can remember after the paper is read. A good conclusion ends the paper on a good note, and make a final good impression. 

What to Avoid:

  • Starting with phrases commonly used in concluding oral presentations such as, "In conclusion", "In summary", or "In closing." These can be helpful in oral presentations where attendees may not know the structure of a presentation. However in papers, there is a definite structure the reader can easily follow, so these phrases are necessary. 
  • Making an overly emotional appeal that was not present in your paper. Most research is analytical, and an overly emotional tone may read out of place with the rest of the paper. 
  • Including new evidence, ideas, or topics not in the other sections of the paper. The purpose of the conclusion is to reflect, and rarely includes evidence such as previous research. Save previous research for the introduction and discussion sections specifically. 
  • Simply rephrasing your research statement with no changes. The data from the study should impact the thesis in both positive and negative ways. Demonstrating even small changes shows the reader you truly learned from what the research had to show. 

Strategies for Writing Conclusions

Strategies for Creating an Effective Conclusion

Now that you know what to avoid in creating a conclusion, what should you include? The following will give you points to include in your paper:

Referring to the Introduction

  • If the introduction is the beginning of your journey, then the conclusion is the end. In the Introduction you introduced reasons why your project existed. The conclusion is your chance to reflect on the ideas in the introduction, and how the way you viewed these ideas changes as a result of your study. Referring to the beginning of your paper brings it full circle for the reader, and results in a satisfying ending. 

Answering the Question, "So What?"

  • If there is one question that summarizes the purpose of the conclusion is, "So what?" In other words why should the reader pay attention to this study? What takeaways should the reader have at the end of this paper? Takeaways include not only implications in the field of current research, but the world of the reader. The real power of research is when people can connect research to their own lives, educating them about the world. 

New Ideas for Research

  • The conclusion is your chance to have the final word. One of the ways your research can have an impact is by being the inspiration for new research that will move research even further forward.