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Boxer Library

Read (QxMD)

About Read by QxMD

Read by QxMD is an app that enables you to keep abreast of recent publications and research trends. Use the app to​ read research journals or browse article collections. You can also subscribe to journal updates so you never miss an issue

Create an account and add your RFUMS credentials in order to access full text to the university's journal subscriptions. You can easily search PubMed entries, as well as save and annotate full-text articles in the app.

Download the App

Download the free Read by QxMD app from your device's app store.

Click on this icon to access the Google Play app store

Click here to access to Apple app store

Connect to RFUMS

  1. From the homepage, click on the Account Settings icon at the top-left corner.
  2. On the Account Settings page, select Institutional Access.
  3. Click on the Add button on the right side of the screen.
  4. A list of institutions should appear. Search for “Rosalind Franklin University.”
  5. Select your login preference.
    1. Choose Automatic Login Using Library Login. 
    2. Enter your HelixNet username and password.
    3. Click the Check icon. Congratulations, you're all set!

Test to See if You Have Logged in Successfully

To see if you have correctly entered your credentials or logged in successfully to your institution, you can try to access one of the articles below. These are pay-walled articles that most institutions subscribe to, so you should have access to them. You can either click the hyperlinks below, or search the PMID of the article directly through the search bar in Read. If these do not work, please make sure your credentials are correct and contact your librarian to to make any necessary changes to your library account.

Please make sure when you are testing papers, you are not connected to HelixNet WiFi.

1. PMID: 30650323 (NEJM: New England Journal of Medicine)

2. PMID: 31408138 (JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association)

3. PMID: 31462781 (Nature)

If there are issues, fill out the Need Help questionnaire.