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Boxer Library

Library Guide for Dr. He's Team

Create a Blank Collection/Subcollection

Desktop App*

  • Select the folder with a plus button towards the top left section of Zotero.

  • Name the collection and click OK








Web Library*

  • Click on the plus sign that appears when you hover over the right side of the group where you want to add the collection.








  • Name the collection and click outside of the text box or press Enter. 







*You can also follow these steps to create a blank subcollection.

Create a Collection Using Citations in Your Library

Desktop App*

  • Select the citations that you want to include in the collection.
  • Use the right-click button on your mouse, click on Add to Collection, then select New Collection.

  • Name your collection and select OK








*Note: This option is not currently available when accessing your citations using the Web Library.


Add to an Existing Collection/Subcollection

Desktop App*

  • Select the citations that you want to include in the collection/subcollection.
  • Use the right-click button on your mouse, click on Add to Collection.










  • Select the appropriate collection/subcollection and click on Add.


Web Library*

  • Select the citations that you want to include in the collection.
  • When using the Web Library, click on the folder button with a plus sign.










  • Select the desired collection/subcollection by selecting the appropriate library and click Add.


*You can also do this by selecting the citations that you want to include, dragging, then dropping them into the desired collection/subcollection.

Moving Collections/Subcollections

Desktop App

  • Click on the collection/subcollection you want to move.
  • Drag it to the desired collection. The no symbol (Ø) that appears while dragging denotes that it is a place where the collection/subcollection cannot be moved.


Web Library

  • Click on the ellipsis that appears when you hover over the right side of the group where you want to add the collection.










  • Select the appropriate collection/subcollection and click on Move.