RFUMS COVID-19 webpage: https://www.rosalindfranklin.edu/covid19/
Many journal and database publishers have been assembling information in webpages designed to collect information about COVID-19. Many of these resources are open access so the articles should not have a paywall.
Below is a list of the various government websites ans associations with guidelines:
Many of our library colleagues in the clinical and academic environment have been creating online guides in the previous few weeks. Information in these guides includes social media information, information for patients, data and more. Some resources featured on this guide are institution specific, so if you see a resource we have, please use our link in the electronic resources page. https://guides.rosalindfranklin.edu/electronic_resources
Indiana University School of Medicine: https://iupui.libguides.com/covid19
University of Michigan: https://guides.lib.umich.edu/c.php?g=282776&p=1884196
University of Nevada at Las Vegas: https://guides.library.unlv.edu/coronavirus/home
University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC): https://researchguides.uic.edu/coronavirus