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Boxer Library

Library Services for Faculty

This site outlines various library services available to the faculty of RFUMS.

Policy on Donations

We do accept donations, however, there are a few caveats:

  • All items for proposed donations must be listed via this LibWizard and include title, year, edition and approximate value. (Growing and changing policies from the IRS are the reason for this requirement of information before we accept donations)
  • We only accept materials that will serve as useful additions to the collection, or materials that will make useful donations to the students, and we reserve the right to refuse any donation.
    • Materials we usually will take include:
      • Recent additions of medical textbooks and board review books.
      • Relatively complete (i.e. has most issues) and substantial (i.e. more than just a few years) runs of print journals that are not already held in the collection. We're especially interested in less common titles and titles that are not available in electronic format.
      • Unique learning aids, like anatomical models, large posters, DVD healthcare videos and documentaries, etc.
    • Materials we usually will not take include:
      • Non-healthcare related materials (ex. paperbacks, textbooks for non-healthcare subjects, etc.)
      • Older editions of common medical textbooks.
      • Print copies of journals which the library already have access to (either in print or online).
      • Runs of journal with significant gaps (i.e. missing more than a few issues and/or entire volumes).
      • Runs of journals that are not of substantive length (i.e. only a few years).
      • Microfiche, slides, audio/visual recordings
        • Exceptions are made for rare materials.   
  • We cannot accept donations on a conditional basis (i.e. items must be added to the circulating collection and cannot be discarded). All accepted donations will be used and disposed of at the discretion of the library staff.

If you have a donation for the library, please call 847.578.8808 or email If you have materials that relate to the history of the university and wish to donate them to the university archives, please call 847.578.8417 or email