Do any of these questions sound familiar?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you can benefit from an appointment with a librarian!
Appointments can be conducted in person, over the phone, or via a webchat service. Just let us know what you would prefer.
Available topics include:
If you are interested in meeting with a librarian, please fill out the librarian Schedule an Appointment Form below.
If you have any other questions about this service, you can email or call 847.578.8808 and ask to speak to one of the librarians.
As a student in one of the distance programs, you may not have the opportunity to visit our campus in North Chicago. However you still are entitled to assistance with finding resources. Below are a few examples of how we meet with you one-on-one.
Video Chat: Zoom
Zoom allows us to see each other face to face while also having to ability to share our screens with each other. By sharing our screens librarians can demonstrate tips that may help you in your search process.
Some of the benefits of having a Video Chat:
Extended Phone Conversation or Conference Call:
If you do not feel comfortable with doing a video chat or are unable, we can set up a time where we can talk for an extended period.
Some of the benefits of having a conference call:
If either of these options interest you, please fill out the form below to schedule an appointment.