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CINAHL Complete Tutorial

The purpose of this guide is to outline different features of the database CINAHL Plus with Full Text.

Refining Results Using the CINAHL Headings Tool: Subheadings

Enhance your use of CINAHL Headings are subheadings. These focus the more generic subject heading to a more specific area of study.

Applying subheadings in CINAHL Headings:

  1. Go to the CINAHL Headings page. (Review the Basics of CINAHL Headings page to learn how to access the CINAHL Headings page). 
  2. Type in your main topic, like cross infection, in the search box, and click search.
  3. Click on the checkbox next to the term you want to use. 
  4. Click on the checkbox next to your desired subheading(s). 
  5. Click Search Database

To see a demonstration of this process, watch the video below: