AccessMedicine has a wide variety of images you can use in PowerPoint presentations or for personal study.
In AccessMedicine you can:
To save or export images you need to first create a personal account. To learn how to create a personal account, please review the Personal Account page in this guide.
If you are going to use these images in online presentation, make sure it is in a password-protected environment such as D2L and that the image citation is present.
You can locate images in two main ways, either by keyword or browsing multimedia collections.
1. Enter the Keyword you would like to search in the search bar located on AccessMedicine's homepage, then click search.
2. Once you have searched your keyword, click on the "Images" filter, then select the image you would like to view.
AccessMedicine contains two main categories of video content.
In AccessMedicine you can:
Another great feature in AccessMedicine is there is stable URL for each video, allowing you to copy this URL and use when presenting in person or online in D2L. If you are a faculty member, this is an easy way to include multimedia content in your online lectures.