Course: HPTH 622: Critical Inquiry (Physical Therapy)
Lecture Topic: Copyright in Higher Education
Session Length:
The librarian provides a series of recordings about copyright in higher education tailored to the health sciences. Librarian provides an optional assessment at the end.
Course: YPHP502: Introduction to Drug Information (College of Pharmacy)
Lecture Topic: Electronic Resources
Session Length: 50 Minutes
The librarian provides a lecture on the various electronic resources which were available in the library. This session is a 30 minute lecture with 20 minutes for questions where the librarian demonstrates how to use resources upon students request. Students complete the assessment as their attendance.
Course: ECR2: Essentials of Clinical Reasoning II (Chicago Medical School & William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine)
Lecture Topic: Critical Appraisal
Session Length: 80 Minutes
The library team designed a workshop where they introduce the concepts of randomization and blinding in randomized controlled trials in a short lecture. The students are broken into breakout rooms with faculty facilitators. The students then answer a checklist with questions around blinding and randomization. The small groups then reconvene for discussion and feedback before filling out an assessment.
Course: MCUR 618: Summer Research (Chicago Medical School & College of Pharmacy
Session Length: 50 Minutes
Librarians lead a session with summer research students who are working on systematic reviews. Students bring their topics and the librarian takes those topics and applies them directly in the database to help the students identify the best terms for their search. The librarian also teaches them how to gather citations in reference management tools.
Course: HNUT542: Complementary Medicine and Dietary Supplements
Topic: Search Strategies
Session Length: Asynchronous Activities over 1 week
Librarian provides a few asynchronous lectures on search techniques that students can watch during an assigned week. Students can then use those strategies to develop a PICO question which they will explore through the course. The assignment for the week is the PICO question with an explanation of how they searched the databases for information with one article on their topic. The librarian grades the assignment and provides feedback on how to improve the students’ search process. Additionally, the librarian can answer questions throughout the term in a dedicated Ask a Librarian forum within the course shell.