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Boxer Library

Finding Images and Videos

This guide outlines the various library resources that provide images and videos.

How to Find Images in AccessMedicine, & AccessPharmacy

AccessAnesthesiology, AccessMedicine, and AccessPharmacy are online tools for accessing eBooks published by McGraw-Hill. In addition to the text in the eBook content, McGraw-Hill also provides access to the thousands of images in those eBooks for use in lectures and presentations. The process for accessing images is the same for AccessAnesthesiology, AccessMedicine, and AccessPhamacy so the processes below use AccessMedicine as examples.

Step 1: Go to the Boxer Library homepage

Step 2: Click on AccessMedicine underneath Related Links. 

Step 3: Enter your term and click search.

Step 4: Click on Images on the left side of the page

Step 5: Click on View in Context link. 

Step 6: Click on Download Slide (.ppt) 

How to Find Videos

Step 1: Go to the Boxer Library homepage

Step 2: Click on the AccessMedicine link

Step 3: Enter your term

Step 4: Click on Videos

Step 5: Click on Video to Play


Browse for Videos By Category

Step 1:  In AccessMedicine click on Multimedia>Videos by Category

Step 2: Click on Category

Step 3: Click on a subcategory

Step 4: Click on a video to play