The Two-Hour Reserve Collection is a collection of textbooks and other materials that are required for courses at RFUMS.
Reserve items can be checked out during staffed hours.
Two hours.
Items are renewable during staffed hours if no one else has requested the item.
You can do this in one of three ways:
$1.00 for every five minutes overdue
An item is considered lost after three days from the due date, and will be charged the replacement cost plus an additional processing fee of $15.00.
A student who damages an item will be charged the replacement cost for the item plus an additional $15.00 processing fee.
You may place a hold request which prevents the item from being checked out again. Simply give the staff member your name and university email. When the itme is returned, a staff member will email you and you will have 30 minutes to pick it up. After the 30 minutes, the hold on the item will be released.