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American Psychological Association (APA) Citation Style Guide

The purpose of this guide is to instruct users on some of the rules of the American Psychological Association (APA) Citation Style.

More than Twenty Authors

New for the 7th edition!

In the past, APA has only allowed up to 6 authors to be mentioned before an ellipse (...) was used in the reference list. With the new edition, up to twenty authors are allowed before an ellipse (...) is used. 


Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial., & Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial for up to twenty authors. (Publication Year). Article Title. Journal Title, Volume number (issue), Page Numbers. doi number if known. 


Kalnay, E. Kanamitsu, M., Kistler, R., Collins, W., Deaven, D., Gandin, L., Iredek, M., Saha, S., White, G., Woolen, J., Zhu, Y., Chelliah, M., Ebisuzaki, W. Higgins, W., Janowiak, J., Mo, K.C., Ropelewski, C., Wang, J., Leetmaa, A … Joseph, D. (1996). The NCEP/NCAR 40-year reanalysis project. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 77(3), 437-471.